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Congratulations to Associate Professor Balogun!

Congratulations to Professor Oluwakemi Balogun on her newly announced tenure and well received book titled Beauty Diplomacy: Embodying an Emerging Nation.  We appreciate her service and dedication to our department, to exceptional and innovative research and to our students! 
Beauty Diplomacy: Embodying an Emerging Nation, is published by the prestigious Stanford University Press and has received excellent reviews.
“With vivid description and sharp analysis, Beauty Diplomacy reveals the layers upon layers of complexity that surround the Nigerian beauty pageant industry. Seen through the eyes of contestants, producers, and anti-pageant protesters, the pageants are the object of contradictory desires, ambitions and fears. This highly engaging study shows how pageants have become the focal point for debates about the meaning of the nation, global political campaigns, and more.”
—Maxine Leeds Craig, author of Sorry I Don’t Dance: Why Men Refuse to Move
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